Sunday, August 5, 2012

History of Preah Khan Reach Football Club

Preah Khan Reach football club established in 1997, starting with the former name called PM (Police Military) governed by the Police Military General Commander, SAO SOKHA. That time was so called KRUD BAY TOANG the symbol of the PM Headquarters with Mr. Ly Kimchhun, General Secretary.

During  the struggle period of it effort PKR participated in various competitions organized by the Football Federation of Cambodia and the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport(MoEYS). All that time PKR FC joined.....
its success and reputation from the original competition, Third Division, Second Division and the top of country is First division organized by  MoEYS. Because of PKRFC is under the Ministry of National Defense, (MND). PKR FC also toke part in the MND Cap.
In 2007 after FFC Congress, Mr. Ly kimchhun was appointed as the President of Club, by creating a new name Preah Khan Reach Football Club (PKR FC) a long with the new General Secretary Mr. Ork Samnang. Through the New President’s effort duel as well as the club’s staff PKR FC was urged with the various reputation and also participated in the FFC tournaments.  Not only the First Team of PKR FC has been promoted but also the Youth and Grassroots level have been  the most ever effort of PKR FC to help promoting the football in Cambodia.
Preah Khan Reach Football Club (PKRFC) is acknowledged by Football Federation of Cambodia in 2007,lead by H.E. GEN. SAO SOKHA, as well as affiliated by AFF, AFC and FIFA; moreover PKRFC is allowed to take part in the various competitions. On the other hand, PKRFC has been apart of football developing in Cambodia.
Preah Khan Reach win the Hun Sen Cup 2012

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